George Carlin on why “It’s important not to give a shit”

He was kicked out of 3 different schools, the Air Force, the choir, alter boys, summer camp and Boy Scouts.

He quit school in 9th grade.

He was a pot smoker at 13, Broke into cars. Broke into Columbia University.

Below is George Carlin’s career/life advice:

The video clip is from a longer interview of Carlin by the Archive of American Television in December 2007.

If you want the best documentary on Carlin, check out my review of “George Carlin’s American Dream”

Watch Carlin’s “It’s important not to give a shit”


  • My Rating: 93/100
  • IMDB Rating: na
  • Rotten Tomatoes Ratings: na

Best Parts of the Video

Key theme/quote:

“It’s important in life if you don’t give a shit. It can help you a lot.”

-George Carlin

Carlin dreamed of being Danny Kaye (a mainstream comedian).

But that wasn’t George.

He was kicked out of 3 different schools, the Air Force, the choir, alter boys, summer camp and Boy Scouts.

He quit school in 9th grade. He was a pot smoker at 13, Broke into cars. Broke into Columbia University. His vision was to be anpother Tommy Kaye.

“I probably had had 200 television appearances…and I still wasn’t realized…as a writer-comedian,” Carlin says.

George adds:

“I hasn’t let myself grow in that [my true unique self]”…I never became a bit success until then”.

Another great quote:

“Use your talents to project your ideas, not to try to please people”

-George Carlin

Thanks for reading!

Rob Kelly

Chief Maniac, Daily Doc