Snow Trikes at Serre Chevalier

Ever want to bomb down a snowy mountain at 70 km/h (43 mph) on a tricycle with near-zero control?

Welcome to Snow Trikes at Serre Chevalier resort in the French Alps:

Thx to Fred Weil (my fellow “Joey”) for pointing this out to me.

And I hope Daily Doc subscriber Dave Bear tells his Avenue Capital buddies Danny Rappaport & Marc Lasry about these Snow Trikes – perhaps it’s the new sport they’re looking to back!?

I added “Snow Trikes” to my list of “The Weirdest Sports” (I’m up to 13!)

Watch “Snow Trikes at Serre Chevalier”

You can watch it for free on YouTube by clicking the video embed above.


  • My Rating: 87/100
  • IMDB Rating: na
  • Rotten Tomatoes Ratings: na

Release Date: January 22, 2023

Highlights of “Snow Trikes at Serre Chevalier”

The Setup

This quick but hilarious YouTube video captures one man’s first experience on a snow trike, a three-wheeled winter vehicle with independent braking systems for each rear wheel.

The ride takes place at Serre Chevalier, a ski resort in the French Alps, and is hosted by Milano Kart Championship, the same group that organizes karting on ice. The trike lacks spiked wheels, making control nearly impossible, especially on fresh snow, and speeds reach 60-70 km/h (37-43 mph). The result? A mix of adrenaline, fear, and non-stop laughter.

You Can’t Make This Sh*t Up

  • To steer, you lock the internal wheel using the hand brakes—not exactly a precise method when you’re flying downhill at 70 km/h (43 mph).
  • With no spikes or chains, stopping is more of a suggestion than a reality. The reaction time? Almost nonexistent.
  • The first descent had near zero control, making the entire experience a wild, barely contained chaos.

More Highlights from the Video

  • The rider is laughing the entire time, showing just how much pure joy (and terror) the snow trike delivers.
  • Sideways drifting becomes a necessity rather than a trick—it’s the only way to make turns.
  • Even with the crazy speeds and no control, the experience is described as one of the funniest things ever.
  • The video ends with the declaration: “Da ripetere assolutamente!” (“Must be repeated absolutely!”).

Lesser-Known Details

  • The Milano Kart Championship, better known for karting events, is expanding into extreme winter sports like this.
  • The trikes have no suspension, meaning every bump is felt at full force.
  • Unlike other winter vehicles, these trikes rely entirely on the braking system for navigation, making them a true test of reflexes and balance.

Wrap Up

This 4-minute, 21-second clip is pure chaotic fun, capturing an underrated winter sport that deserves more attention.

Thanks for reading!

Rob Kelly, Chief Maniac, Daily Doc