The Telepathy Tapes (Audio Documentary Podcast)

I can’t make this sh*t up.

Non-verbal (mostly autistic) kids who read people’s minds. About 95% of the time.

Think of it like “The Sixth Sense” meets “Serial”.

It was the first podcast to beat the”Joe Rogan Experience” (the #1 pod) in a long time (happened on January 2, 2025).

If true, this changes everything — it’s “Shared Consciousness”.

Thanks to Dan Olson and Saraann Olson for first pointing this out.

Watch/Listen to “The Telepathy Tapes”

Click this and it should take you to the playlist for all 9 episodes of Season 1:

You can also click the embed below (it’ll take you to YouTube):

Or, you can listen to it on:

And there’s a whole lot more about “The Telepathy Tapes” here:


  • My Rating: 95/100
  • IMDB: 8.2/10
  • Rotten Tomatoes: na

Release Date: September 9, 2024

My Notes on “The Telepathy Tapes”

The Director is Legit

While it would seems like the Director of “The Telepathy Tapes”, Ky Dickens, came out of nowhere — she didn’t.

She’s directed at least 5 other documentaries with solid IMDB ratings: “Show Her the Money” (8.0/10), “The City That Sold America” (8.1/10), “Zero Weeks” (8.1/10), “Sole Survivor” (6.6/10) and “Fish Out of Water” (7.4/10).

You Can’t Make this Sh*t Up

Multiple kids appear to be able to (at 95%+ accuracy) guess the correct number that someone else sees.

See below for details.

Episode 1 — Mia, a 12-year-old non-speaking girl from Mexico

  • Random Numbers: Mia demonstrated near-perfect accuracy in guessing random numbers between 100 and 999 while blindfolded and behind a partition.
  • Book Reading Test: Using a brand-new book she had never seen before, Mia spelled out words, page numbers, and described images (including a pirate) while facing away from the book

Episode 2 — Akhil from New Jersey

  • Calculator Guesses — Akhil accurately identifyies randomly generated words and numbers while shielded from view. In one instance, he correctly guessed complex equations typed into a calculator that faced away from him.
  • Shared Consciousness? — The episode introduces the idea that Akhil may not just be reading thoughts but rather sharing consciousness with his mother, Manisha.

Episode 3: Telepathic Communication Between Friends and Groups

  • Rigorous Testing: Houston underwent rigorous testing that included number generation and UNO card tests, where he consistently demonstrated his telepathic abilities to the astonishment of observers. This testing not only showcased his skills but also raised questions about the nature of communication among non-speaking individuals.
  • A Telepathic Chat Room: Houston, a non-speaking boy, describes “The Hill”, a mental forum or telepathic “chat room” where non-speaking individuals allegedly connect and communicate telepathically. 

Episode 4: Teen Love with a Twist of Telepathy

  1. Unique Love Story: The episode features John Paul, a 16-year-old with autism who shares a deep telepathic bond with his girlfriend Lily.
  2. 1,789 Non-Verbal Kids on “The Hill”: John Paul shares that there were 1,789 people on “The Hill” on the day of recording. The reason? They’re talking about “The Telepathy Tapes” documentary!

Episode 5: Teachers Break the Silence About Telepathy

  1. Mental Fields — Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduces his theory of “mental fields,” comparing the brain’s invisible fields to those of cell phones and magnets.
  2. “The Hill” is Independently Verified — Maria, a teacher from Chicago independently corroborates the concept of “The Hill” as discussed by her non-speaking students.
  3. Teacher/Student Mind Reading — Maryann Harrington, a veteran educator, describes hearing her students’ thoughts near her left ear once she recognized their ability to read her mind.
  4. “Ploink” — Various students introduce the term “Ploink” which they use with each other to describe telepathic play.

Episode 6: Scientific Evidence for ESP that Shatters the Materialist Paradigm

  • Animal telepathy: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has conducted extensive research on apparent telepathic abilities in animals, particularly dogs anticipating their owners’ return home. His studies with Jaytee, a terrier belonging to Pam Smart, showed the dog would wait by the window when Pam was returning, even at randomly selected times, with odds against chance of over 100,000 to 1.
  • Quantum physics and psi: Dr. Dean Radin suggests that quantum entanglement may provide a mechanism for telepathy and other psi phenomena. He proposes that aspects of the brain may operate at a quantum scale, allowing for non-local connections that transcend space and time.
  • Ganzfeld studies: These experiments, designed to test for ESP, have been conducted since 1974. Dr. Dean Radin reports that after over 1000 controlled studies, there is strong evidence for some psi phenomena, with combined odds against chance of 10^104 to 1.

Episode 7: Telepathy is the Tip of the Iceberg

  • Amelia, a 10-year-old non-speaking girl with DDX3X syndrome. Amelia’s parents are Maura and Mike from near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She can speak multiple languages including Hebrew and hieroglyphics with no apparent training. Amelia reportedly predicted the Robb Elementary School shooting days before it happened
  • Joe, a retired trial attorney turned pastor in Arizona, works with non-speaking individuals at Highlands Church. He mentions Cody, a non-speaker who communicates telepathically with Josiah from Minnesota.
  • The Hill” (again!) — Cody and Josiah discuss “the hill” – a telepathic meeting place for non-speakers

Episode 8: Gatekeepers of Truth – Telepathy and the Spelling Controversy

  • Kyle and and his mother communicate through “Lucid Dreaming”
  • Kyle creates songs played on the piano (he’s had no training)
  • Dreams => Content — I also learned here that the story of Frankenstein came to Marry Shelley in a dream as did “Let it Be” from Paul McCartney. And that the J.K. Rowling says the entire story of Harry Potter (and I’m paraphrasing) came to her on a train ride (she doesn’t consider it hers — it was given to her).

[I’ll keep you posted as I listen to any new episodes]

Thanks for reading!

Rob Kelly

Chief Maniac, Daily Doc