Back in the early ’90s, media artist Brian Springer had a sweet setup — he hooks his satellite dish up to his VCR and starts recording behind-the-scenes feeds the big media titans were pumps out.
We’re talking raw feeds from network control rooms, green rooms.
And this is during the ’92 election too. It’s total insider access from Pat Robertson (my favorite), Bill Clinton, George W. Bush & more.
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- My Rating: 92/100
- IMDB Rating: 7.9/10
- Rotten Tomatoes Ratings: 100/100 (users); no critic score
Review of “Spin”
Back in the early ’90s, media artist Brian Springer had a sweet setup – he hooked his satellite dish up to his VCR and started recording all the behind-the-scenes feeds the big media titans were pumping out.
It turns out any satellite tv subscriber can pick either “regular TV or the “satellite feed” (news agencies need the “satellite feed” to transmit news events around the world).
Most regular customers choose the normal feed.
But Brian picks the “satellite feed” and records as much as he can.
We’re talking raw feeds going to network control rooms, green rooms.
It’s all the stuff we mere mortals aren’t supposed to see.
And this was during the ’92 election too – total insider access.
Springer captureas some wild stuff.
You hear Bush and Larry King chatting in the green room about what meds they take – blood thinners, heart pills, the whole pharmacopia.
Or Clinton’s kicking it with Larry between segments, and King says (I’m paraphrasing):
“Hey Bill, when you’re running the country, put in a call to my man Ted Turner (Larry’s boss at CNN). He’d be perfect for whatever role you want.”
But my favorite moment’s when Pat Robertson finishes a segment on Larry King Live.
Soon as they cut to commercial, Pat leans over to his producer and goes
“That caller was definitely a homo. Sure as you’re alive!”
Guess the 700 Club ain’t so holy behind the scenes!
And through it all, Larry King keeps that same grin on his face.
Sipping his Diet Coke, chuckling at everything – he acts the exact same way when the red light’s on and when it’s off.
Crazy to see.
There are also anchors getting coached right before they go on-air, producers picking angles.
And there’s Larry “Who’s That Guy” Agran getting straight ignored and arrested, abortion protests, LA riots, all of it.
Thanks for reading!
Rob Kelly, Chief Maniac, Daily Doc